Ben’s dreamy * Quite literally, he lives in the clouds, it’s his determination to bring dreams to life that makes him special. . He’s a believer that if you have multiple spinning plates at the same time they are become synchronized atsomepoint. . He says, you have to focus on certain plates for a little and then move to a otter plate, bouncing around isn’t a bad thing….sometimes It feels like we don’t get anywhere because projects don’t getfinished before moving to the next… . But it’s because of seasons, sometimes you can’t finish a project because of a derail like a tractor breaking, instead of throwing in the towel, he moves to the next project, while the tractor gets fixed. . Ben’s alsodreamybecause look at that smile when he is doing what he loves, building. He’s a carpenter by trade and by-goodness, he is building a photo studio in our barn + a boutique to be open at @simplycountryranch +@simplystainedshop . Hoodie: country boy can survive @simplycountryranch . .