Sometimes things just feel like a lot

If we are being honest. Sometimes things just feel like a lot. (In our own personal bubble but also theworld) ya know?
I don’t want to forget how last week made me feel, let me share
I’m not a multi generation farmer.
I learn as I live it. Some days suck.
We had a tough time with what felt like everything, tractors, dying animals, flooding, etc etc..
Our neighbor has a cow down right now and they have been Ranching for YEARS… does it suck for them? Yes. Does it make me feel a tiny better that every farmer goes through hardships even the most experienced ones? Also yes.

I’m lucky to be a steward of this life. It’s my responsibility. It’s my passion.
It’s the simple country life I believe in sharing whether it’s joyous or raw. Sometimes I let hardships rob me of the rest of the other beautiful things though, such as sunsets, when I build trust with an animal, two healthy lambs, a business that I get to employ my parents, the opportunity to dream big things, food on my plate.
Please do not forget just how far you have come, just how much you have in you, to think of the good, because the good is easier to see the more you search for it.